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Emel Caglin

Emel Caglin is graduated from Istanbul University Economy Faculty Econometry branch. She is professional at import purchases and export sales about 25 years in different sectors in Istanbul,Turkey. 


She has started her business career at Pasifik Ltd.,Turkey in stationery sector and worked for 10 years and continued at ZASS A.S for electrical house products, AKTAS A.S for gift products and URHAN LTD for construction sectors around 15 years. Now Emel is acting as business development responsible for Turkey for NETAG BV.


Netag BV  |  Langewijk 328  |   7701 AP Dedemsvaart  |  The Netherlands  |  Tel: +31 523 61336  |  Mob: +31 6 1191 1382  | |

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